AWWA Pte Ltd.
AWWA Pte Ltd.
AWWA Inclusion Experts Series – 2nd 2020
21 November, 2020

The webinar saw the participation of over 600 attendees from preschools, mainstream schools, early intervention centres, special schools, allied health professionals, social service agency partners and ministries. The session was facilitated by Ms Juliet Tanuwira, Assistant Manager, AWWA Inclusion Inc.

Keynote Speakers:
Elena P. Soukakou is an Honorary Research Fellow in the School Education, University of Roehampton, United Kingdom. Her areas of interest include classroom practices that support inclusion in early childhood, quality assessment in inclusive programs, and models of professional development in early childhood. Dr. Soukakou is the author of the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP), a classroom assessment measure designed to assess and support the quality of inclusive practices in early childhood settings.

Dr. Lim Chih Ing Dr. Lim Chih Ing is a Senior Technical Assistance Specialist at the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNCCH). She is also adjunct faculty at the School of Education, UNC-CH. She has extensive leadership experience with knowledge translation and utilization through the development and evaluation of multimedia professional development resources and providing technical assistance on early childhood inclusion to early childhood practitioners, and faculty.

Session Objectives:
– Learn about current research on the defining features and benefits of high quality inclusion in early childhood.
– Understand current issues involving implementation of inclusive practices in early childhood settings.
– Become familiar with the Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP), a classroom observation tool, designed to assess and support 12 areas of inclusive practice.

You may view a recording of the webinar here.

A copy of the presentation slides from the webinar can be downloaded here.

Here are some helpful resources shared during the session:
The ICP Set
ICP At A Glance
Additional Resources

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Each one of us holds a shared responsibility when it comes to fostering an inclusive environment for everyone. Join us in our mission to promote and create more inclusive environments in communities across Singapore.
