AWWA Pte Ltd.
Videos: KidSTART Singapore

KidSTART Singapore is a dedicated agency that provides upstream support to eligible pregnant mothers and children up to 6 years old. As a national programme, KidSTART empowers low income families to build strong foundations for their children and foster positive child development outcomes by supporting caregivers with guidance on child development and monitoring the developmental progress of children from birth onwards.

The early years are important for a child’s development – start taking action for our children’s development in their early years by journeying with KidSTART. Let’s provide #AGoodStart for our children together, find out more about KidSTART here.

And hear from our families here.

Starts with I

Each one of us holds a shared responsibility when it comes to fostering an inclusive environment for everyone. Join us in our mission to promote and create more inclusive environments in communities across Singapore.
