AWWA Pte Ltd.
AWWA Pte Ltd.
16th AWWA Inclusion Experts Series
19 April, 2024  to  19 April, 2024




Linking Practical Instructional Strategies to Assessment for Diverse Learners

To equip early childhood educators and primary school teachers with research-proven strategies to link instruction to assessment in teaching academic and adaptive skills.

Invite your Chinese-speaking friends to join our AWWA Inclusion Experts Series, conducted in Chinese!


杨千慧博士曾在美国密苏里州立大学及南洋理工大学(国立教育学院)担任全职教授,目前也持续在在大学硕士学位授课。杨博士从美国堪萨斯大学获取学前特殊教育的博士学位。她是 Mindsight Inclusion 的创办人。她一直以来持续提供融合幼儿园、MOE中小学、特殊教育学校,及治疗公司高素质的师资培训及咨询。培训及咨询的专业主题包括差异性教学、教育研究法、正向行为支持、早期介入、自律及自我调节功能,以及家长团体的培训。杨博士曾多次以特殊教育及早期教育传家的身份,在新加坡的社交媒体(电视、广播电台及报纸)应邀受访。

Speaker’s Profile:

Dr Yang Chien-Hui, Founder of Mindsight Inclusion

Dr. Yang Chien-Hui, an esteemed Alumnus professor in Early Childhood Special Education, has a rich academic background with roles at institutions like Missouri State University and NIE/NTU. She now focuses on training Master’s degree students and founded Mindsight Inclusion, providing workshops on education-related topics. Dr. Yang is a respected consultant, contributing to professional development in inclusive preschools and special education organizations, and she’s known for her expertise through media interviews in Singapore.


  • 学员将会学到帮助学习困难的学生的实用教学策略。
  • 学员将会学到如何将学到的教学策略与形成性评量紧密接连。
  • 学员将会学到在学前教育及小学正规课程适用的课程改变策略。



Session Outcomes:

  • Participants will acquire the knowledge in developing curriculum modifications and instructional strategies for diverse learners.
  • Participants will learn ways to link instruction to formative assessment using learned strategies.
  • Participants will learn examples of strategy applications in teaching academic and adaptive skills.


A copy of the presentation slides from the webinar can be downloaded here.

Starts with I

Each one of us holds a shared responsibility when it comes to fostering an inclusive environment for everyone. Join us in our mission to promote and create more inclusive environments in communities across Singapore.
